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.” said Carlotta. As always, she seemed to flinch fractionally at the use of her title.“Master indeed my girl,” said Quentin. His eyes roved over the superb body which was his to enjoy during his stay. What then should he extract from it that afternoon? He considered... then decided. “So I shall demonstrate my mastery, slave,” he continued. “Go to the second drawer and bring me the rod you will find there.”Carlotta’s sloe-eyes dilated fractionally with fear. She bit a fulsome lower lip. But she did not delay to obey. Contentedly, Quentin watched the girl’s prancing-stride and the delectable swing of her hindquarters. His, all his! The drawer was opened and Carlotta came back with the rod. It was the lightest, slimmest rod in Quentin’s whole collection, four foot of hard and whippy whalebone, kitting needle thin. Designed to sting but not to over damage, designed to be put to use for a long time.Still nude, hairy and a little too paunchy, Quentin got off the bed and seated himself in. Hannah’s heart suddenly seemed to start beating ten times louder than before; Lexie’s flat was a studio and only had one bed. “I’ll sleep on the sofa,” Hannah said. “Don’t be stupid, you can share my bed.” Hannah’s face must have looked shocked to Lexie for she laughed, “Don’t worry, I won’t try anything. I know you’re straight,” She said with a wink. As it got later, Lexie yawned. “Come on, I’ll see if I own any pyjamas for you.” They entered Lexie’s bedroom. It was minimalistic with hardly any posters. The bed seemed to dominate the room. Lexie began rooting through her draws and Hannah had to ball her hands up to stop herself feeling Lexie’s arched bum in front of her. “Here,” Lexie threw an old t-shirt at Hannah. “You can put that on and sleep in your knickers, that okay?” Hannah simply nodded. She quickly changed and got in bed; she didn’t want Lexie to notice how wet she was. Lexie turned off the light and slipped into bed herself. “Night babe.” Hannah laid in silence for what.
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